Goods Recycling Policy

The Yunica Retail strives to be environment friendly company. We try to do our best to protect local environment as much as possible. We have defined a set of business principles, policies, rules, standards, and guidelines for recycling of goods bought from or sold into the domestic or overseas market.


Our team maintains a list of materials (e.g. glass, plastic, paper) and type of goods (e.g. electronic gadgets, battery) that could be recycled. We examine the goods carefully prior to accepting it for further processing.

While one could return specific products for recycling, but the terms & conditions of 3rd party recycling company and local government regulation determine what would be acceptable finally.


The following factors are considered prior to accepting your product to be sold through our retail chain across India or abroad.
  • Packaging Material (e.g. glass, plastic, paper, etc) used
  • Toxicity level of key ingredients of your product
Please feel free to contact us directly, if you have any queries further.