About Company

युनिका रिटेल - हम एक अग्रणी डिजिटल रिटेल कंपनी हैं। हम किराने का सामान, फल, सब्जियां, कपड़े, फैशन, स्टेशनरी, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरण, खिलौने, कला इत्यादि को अपने सुपरमार्केट, ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग वेबसाइट और ईकामर्स के माध्यम से थोक दर पर बेचते और वितरित करते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त हम उद्यमों को डिजिटल मार्केटिंग सामग्री डिजाइन, निर्माण, प्रचार, कंप्यूटर डेटा प्रविष्टि, बहीखाता, कानूनी प्रारूपण, निर्यात / आयात, रसद वितरण आदि सेवाएं प्रदान करते हैं। हमारी प्रौद्योगिकी टीम सॉफ्टवेयर डिजाइन, निर्माण, तैनाती, प्रबंधन सेवाएं प्रदान करती है। हम भारत और विदेशों में तेजी से उपस्थिति बढ़ा रहे हैं।

The Yunica Retail is engaged into marketing, sales, and distribution of a very wide range of products through offline and/or online channels across India. We conduct thorough research about each item in our portfolio with the help of professional teams, while sourcing different kind of products (i.e. either agricultural or any other category), apply quality standards, and validate the same to comply with strict guidelines. We strive to source, store, package, transport, and deliver best-of-the-breed products in a healthy manner, hygienic conditions, at affordable price, and in a trustworthy situation for clients.

A team of dreamers, shown below, envisioned the idea of "Yunica Retail", while the founders (संस्थापक) travelled to the Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh, India) during Oct 2018 on vacation for a few days. After a short stint in sourcing the Apples directly from Jubbal, the team explored the possibility of sourcing Mango from Malihabad and selling it across India. Mr. Anubhav Singh (अनुभव सिंह), Ms. Anushka Rai (अनुष्का राय), Ms. Divya Rai (दिव्या राय), Mrs. Krishna Pandey (कृष्णा पाण्डेय), and Mrs. Bimla Pandey (बिमला पाण्डेय) offered great level of moral support in validating our idea with the farmers directly from supply market.

Established on 28 Nov 2018, as a privately owned enterprise, the Yunica Retail has been incorporated (CIN: U74999PN2018PTC180438) and registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, India in the Pune city within the state of Maharashtra, as a non-government, private company, limited-by-shares, and engaged in retailing business across the country. Initially, our intention is to be able to operate a chain of stores, both offline and online, for customers of all age groups, and target urban as well as rural markets across India. We are trying to change our end-user experience by applying state-of-the-art technologies.

We apply next-generation technologies, Digital Retail methodology, and involved in a range of business activities, including marketing, sales, distribution, supply chain management, and so on with regard to lifestyle products, clothing, leather goods, cosmetics, stationary, electronics, groceries, fresh fruits & vegetables, spices, juices, beverages, dry fruits, etc. delivering to customers in a direct retail, wholesale, or commission agent model.

Our registered & corporate office, global headquarters (HQ), is located at:

Yunica Retail Private Limited,
Plot 2, Survey 17, Tushar Park,
Dhanori-Lohegaon Road, Dhanori,
Pune 411015, Maharashtra, India

Mobile # +91 88301-94278 (voice or SMS)
Landline +91 20 7966-7418 (voice only)
Email: info@yunica.co.in, info@yunica.in

To know more about us, please click some of the URLs listed below:
Please feel free to contact us directly, if you have any queries further.